
Assassination mage tower guide
Assassination mage tower guide

assassination mage tower guide

If players want to stop the serial killer, the person they must speak to is Cora Highberry. Instead, these characters are more useful for the other branch of this quest. Of the three, only Nesha takes the warning seriously, and none of these visits make any difference to the quest. Players can visit and warn Nesha Leesha, Chef Roveer, and Figaro Pennygood. Alexander's house is a locked two-story home north of the Counting House, and Franc's house is just south of Feolgyr's Fireworks. Players can also get a description of the killer from a rat in Alexander's house if a party member can speak to animals. However, both Alexander and Franc also provide alternate ways to start "Investigate the Murders." The same Bloodstained Parchment appears in both their homes, and any copy of it will begin the quest. Franc was smuggling weapons for Gortash, and Alexander was investigating the building the cult is using as a front. However, players can poke around their homes to find parts of Dribbles the Clown and the reasons why the Cult of Bhaal chose them as targets. Both targets were killed in their own homes, and the scenes of their deaths have nothing to contribute to this quest. The targets who are already dead are Alexander Rainforest and Franc Peartree. There are three types of targets: those who are already dead, those who are out living their lives, and those whom the murderer is currently targeting. When players check the map in Baldur's Gate (before or after speaking to Devella), they'll see several objective markers that point to targets on the Bloodstained Parchment. Valeria will then give the party a Lower City Pass that will get them through Wyrm's Rock Fortress. She'll admit that the case isn't over and suggest the party visit her assistant, Devella Fountainhead. With the Bloodstained Parchment in hand, speak to Valeria and present it to her. Another victim of the murderer is hidden under the bed, and on the table is a quest item: the Bloodstained Parchment. A large wardrobe on the top floor has a lock on it, so pick it open or destroy it to discover a secret passage to a hidden room. The ladder is on the wall facing the street. Head into Fraygo's Flophouse, take the stairs to the second floor, then take the ladder to the third floor. Players can discover more about the murder by checking the lower level of the temple, but the evidence the party needs is across the street from the Sharess' Caress.

assassination mage tower guide

She then heads to the Sharess' Caress on the South Span Bridge. A hollyphant called Valeria is investigating the case, and she's decided a refugee is the culprit.

assassination mage tower guide

When players first enter the Open Hand Temple, they'll find the priests mourning the death of their leader.

Assassination mage tower guide